Master metal clay artist Pam East has created a hinged box project focusing on intricate, delicate details. This challenging, multi-layered project will greatly expand your metal clay skill set as you build a hinged box featuring tiny scenes, tiny gemstones, and tight, unobtrusive hinges with smooth action. The precise work will include rolling, texturing and cutting the clay; sanding and prepping greenware elements; creating and fitting mitered corners; and building small, functional components like hinges, cotter pins, and clasp elements. You’ll also be flush setting tiny stones, designing and constructing an open bail, and learning how to mask stamps and texture plates for unique results. You’ll personalize your box with Pam’s collection of texture plates and design molds!

This workshop is intended for students with recent successful metal clay experience, including rolling clay to an even thickness, working with stamps and templates, and proficiency with greenware finishing and using syringe. We’re providing all the tools, equipment and materials you’ll need to complete the projects, so you just have to bring eye magnification and settle in to have fun and learn with a master!