Privacy Policy

The only information that we require you to provide in order to register on our site is a screen name and a valid email address. Any other personally identifying information that you supply is solely at your option and responsibility; you may change or delete it at any time by clicking on “Howdy” in the upper right corner of your window and selecting “Edit my profile”

We do not provide, offer, rent, sell, telegraph, sky-write or release any of your personally-identifying information to anyone EXCEPT:

  1. If you register for a class or event being sponsored or taught by a third party, we will provide your screen name and/or name and email address to that third party.
  2. If you purchase a product or service via PayPal or Credit Card you will be required to supply payment and shipment information such as billing address, shipping address, email address, phone number, or credit card information which shall be used solely to process your order, payment and product delivery.
  3. We may supply your email address to Mail Chimp or another email distribution service for the purpose of sending you periodic marketing and informational emails from us. You will always have the option to unsubscribe from future emails from us from that distributor.

Due to a software issue, updating your profile on our website may require you to enter a mailing address. We do not require your address.  You are free to simply enter garbage (123 any street, anytown, etc.).

We may re-direct your browser to another website through links provided in our Connections section or elsewhere on our site. Please be aware that our privacy policy does not apply to those other sites.

We do not allow third party advertisements on our site. This eliminates most third party tracking cookies from being placed on whatever device you are using to access our site — at least while you are on our site.

To learn more about third party and tracking cookies and to opt-out of customized advertising (the kind where you click on a shoe ad and for the next month you see nothing but shoe ads wherever you go on the internet) you may want to try solely at your own risk. While we have used it, we can’t and don’t promise anything about its effectiveness or security.

We do collect non-personally identifying information about our site traffic for analytical purposes (Google Analytics).

We take the protection of your privacy very seriously. However, to be on the internet we rely on software (eg, WordPress) and services (eg, our web hosting service,, PayPal and others) that we believe are trustworthy but that we do not control.

Please also check out our Terms and Conditions.

If you have any questions or concerns, or have reason to believe we released your personal information to some third party, or you think we missed something, please contact us at:

Creator Haven LLC