Long, Strange Trip…. and it’s not over!

This week marks the 6 month anniversary of the COVID-19 closure of Creator Haven. We are still closed but we are not out of business yet and looking forward to the gradual resumption of operations!

Among our Members and Friends there have been some close calls and catastrophic losses both from COVID-19 and the wildfires. They are on our minds and in our hearts. We fervently hope that you and yours remain healthy and safe.

During the closure we have remained busy. Pat made a COVID quilt, finished a crocheted Afghan she started 10+ years ago, finished a baby blanket, crocheted a really cool hat and more. Glenn went back to being a (non-professional) Python programmer and largely completed development of a custom inventory and accounting package for Creator Haven, became a Zoom gourmand and thought of lots of things he could and should do but didn’t actually do. We also spent about two weeks completing a physical count of Creator Haven’s inventory – a project that was somewhat overdue.

With Santa Cruz County moving from Purple to Red we are contemplating what re-opening may look like. In-person classes are still beyond the current event horizon, but providing highly limited studio access to our Studio Members is starting to look practical. In the meantime, if you have something to be fired or need to purchase tools or material, please get in touch and we can make arrangements.

For now stay safe and stay healthy — we wish you well!

— Pat and Glenn