Acrylic Paint Pouring, Further Adventures (CE10713)

Thu, Mar 10, 2022 -- 6:30 PM-9:00 PM at Creator Haven LLC


If you have explored paint pouring, and flipped over “Flip Cup Pours”, you’ll love trying new methods of this playful, freeing technique. In this workshop students will create two colorful abstract masterpieces using a whole new set of paint pouring techniques. Have you swiped, puddled or been strung out? Whether or not you have tried this technique before, you’ll have a great time experimenting with color and the fluid movement of paint in this class.

Acrylic paint pouring is easy to learn and fun for all skill levels. This is a great class if you have taken another paint pouring class, or if this is your first experience. Students will have time to complete two paintings in class. Paintings must dry for at least 24 hours, so you’ll need to return to pick up your work.

No experience necessary! Class size is limited to 7 so register early!

Bring a snack and a drink, and dress in comfortable clothes that you don’t mind getting messy!

Please note that all students who participate in classes offered at Creator Haven must be vaccinated, and will be asked to confirm their vaccination status when they arrive. Students will also be asked to complete additional health and safety forms upon arrival.

One class meeting: Thu Mar 10, 2022 from 6:30pm to 9:00pm

Class fee: $48  Materials fee: $25

Register Online at Cabrillo Extension