Creator Haven is committed to being a safe creative space for all our clients and staff. The core of our protocols include that all visitors, clients and staff are required to wear a mask while on site and social distancing of at least 6 feet as much as possible. Tools and high touch surfaces will be disinfected between users by staff and clients.
- Do not come to the studio if you have a fever, symptoms of COVID-19 or other illness, or have been exposed to COVID-19.
- Please inform Pat (408 781-5183) if you contract COVID-19 or are exposed so that we can try to inform other members of their possible exposure.
- We have an infra-red thermometer on the table at the front door to check temperatures.
- Masks are required at all times when in the facility.
- Maintain a 6-foot distance from others at all times.
- Wash your hands and/or sanitize them on entering Creator Haven and at regular intervals during the day. We have sanitizing supplies at several locations in the studio. Soap and water are available in the bathroom and at the kitchen sinks.
- Use sanitizing supplies (supplied by Creator Haven) to wipe down any work surfaces, tools, and protective gear you use or other places you touch (including toilet, sink and door handles, light switches, torch, etc.)
- Avoid handshakes and other greetings that break physical distancing.
- Put the lid of the toilet down before flushing.
- Keep ventilation system running at all times. Weather permitting, open doors and windows.
- Only one person at a time in the tool/soldering room or kiln areas. Disinfect all surfaces, handles, tools used before leaving the room.
- Only one person at a time in the kitchen and bathroom areas. Coffee maker may not be used. You may use the refrigerator and microwave if you wipe down all handles, touchpads or other surfaces touched as soon as you are done.
- No eating and drinking in the Studio. Please go outside or to your car.
Free Covid-19 testing is available at Ramsey Park in Watsonville. Testing services are by appointment only. No walk-ups are allowed. Testing may be arranged online by visiting Individuals without Internet access should call 888-634-1123 to arrange an appointment
Facility and Programming Modifications Creator Haven has implemented
- Staff will wear masks.
- Use of the studio is limited to 3 member work stations (by reservation only) , 1 quick turn-around drop-in user/visitor/client, and staff-members.
- Hand sanitizer stations are available throughout the studio for staff and customer use.
- Staff shall frequently wash their hands with soap and water in the washrooms.
- Along with regular cleaning, staff disinfect will wipe down all handles with 70% IPA at the end of the day.
- All tools, handles, surfaces, eye wear, are to be disinfected by users with 70% IPA after use
- In-person classes are cancelled until further notice